Saturday, October 13, 2018

Simple Tips To Health.

Don't think lightly of the pumpkin-seeds, as many often do. These seeds rich in nutrients play a vital role in managing the health. Not waste worth dust-bin. Phytosterols and anti-oxidants present in these seeds in plenty fight the harmful anti-bodies. Psychological health will be good. Phytoestrogens in these seeds help grow good cholesterol. All the problems of menopause like pains, etc. will be controlled.

Excessive fibre content present in these seeds promotes the human digestive system. Even consumed less, we feel our belly full and enjoy healthy brain. Just, quarter full of a cup of these seeds, supplies half of the magnesium required by the body. Improves heart functioning. Brings blood pressure under control. Cellular growth of the body will be increased by the zinc content present in these seeds. Remember, like many ingredients in a balanced diet, these seeds also play a vital role, to the best of our health.

It may be inconvenient to sit tight before the computer hours together. Are you busy with your project work? Undergoing stress! No time to exercising? For all these hurdles, yoga at your place is the only solution. With no fatigue. You can renew all the exhausted energy and start to work with all the vigour and enthusiasm as before. Hence, do yoga exercises at the same place where you work and stay. Do the following simple yoga exercises as many times as possible, just observing a gap of 3 hours.

1. Move your body to the left and right sides at least for 8--10 seconds.
2. Raise your hands one after the other and keep in such position for 8--10 seconds.
3. Move head left and right for 8--10 seconds (each side)
4. Relieve your back for 8--10 seconds.
5. Stretch your hands up and front for 8--10 seconds.
6. Move your body to the left and right sides for 8--10 seconds. A great relief will be experienced.

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