Friday, September 28, 2018


Excessive exercising is harmful in many ways. The face loses its very natural look and glow. The face appears to be angry and cruel. Bones expose.

Heart-beat increases during exercising. It increases many-fold during excessive exercising. Starts muscle pain. Annoyed and angry increases. Undoubtedly, these are the symptoms of "OVER TRAINING SYNDROME". Night sleep effects.

It is the doctor's opinion that there is imminent danger to the healthy functioning of the kidneys. Due to excessive sweating, one will suffer from dehydration and as such, has to drink water very frequently and thus one will be devoid of sound sleep night time. Ones' homogeneous physique is good and laudable, which can be had only from good regulated habits and consumption of well balanced and nutritious food or as suggested by the doctors.

However, bodily exercises in excess should be avoided in order to protect from dehydration, muscle pains, pains to knees and ankles etc. These suggestions are applicable to women also alike.

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